Become a Partner in Providing Recreational Activities
and Creating Lasting Memories
The Alsip Park District has established several partnerships with a variety of organizations and businesses in and outside our community. These partnerships have helped to provide additional financial, in-kind or volunteer resources allowing us to continue to meet the needs of the community. The Alsip Park District prides itself in providing recreation and leisure services for families, adults, youth and senior populations of Alsip and the surrounding communities.
Your company or organization can make a meaningful and lasting impact on the quality of life in the community by partnering with the Alsip Park District as we market our programs and services to the community.
Two Ways to Advertise Your Business:
1. Seasonal Brochure Business Index
The Seasonal Brochure Business Index is a special advertising section for businesses to advertise in the Alsip Park District’s Seasonal Brochure.The Alsip Park District quarterly program guide is hand delivered to 7,500 homes in Alsip, with an additional 500 copies available for pick-up throughout park district facilities and the community. It is a great and cost effective way to stretch your advertising and sponsor dollars and get your name out to the residents of Alsip and surrounding communities. These program guides are used as a household reference guide with a shelf-life of up to three months. Take advantage of the opportunity for your company’s message to be included in a publication that reaches all Alsip residents four times per year.
2. Special Event/Program Partnership
Each year we look for partnerships through monetary, in-kind and voluntary resources to help support our Special Events and Programs. These partnerships make it possible for the Alsip Park District to provide top-quality special events and family activities. Some of our major Special Events include Fun Fest, All Hallow’s Eve Carnival, Trick or Trunk, Santa’s Landing, Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and many more. Sponsors are named in all promotional and marketing materials surrounding each event/program, including signs, fliers and announcements at the event.

2017 FunFest Event

2017 FunFest Touch-A-Truck Event